Man and woman meeting and shaking hands

Business Interruption Insurance

Barista making coffee

As a business, preparing yourself for the unexpected is the smartest thing you can do.

Business Interruption insurance provides cover for businesses that are forced to close or suspend operations as a result of an unexpected event. While revenue streams may be disrupted, for many business owners running costs like rent, utility bills, suppliers and staff wages all still need to be paid.

If the unforeseen does happen, business interruption insurance can protect you from significant financial losses.

What can business interruption insurance cover?

Business Interruption insurance is designed to cover the loss of sales and ongoing operational costs should your business be temporarily unable to trade. Policy benefits can include:
Loss of income:
Helping make up for lost revenue that would have been earned had your business been able to operate.
Operating expenses:
Cover for ongoing expenses such as rent, utilities, wages and supplier invoices while you work on getting back up and running.
Temporary relocation and cost of recovery:
Should you need to temporarily move premises or invest in replaceing equipment.
Reasonable extra expenses:
Reimbursement for reasonable expenses (beyond the fixed costs) that allow the business to continue operating while the property is being repaired.

Flexible insurance with a local touch

Insurance isn’t always a one size fits all policy. Whether you’re in manufacturing, food and beverage, hospitality, property owner, tradie or truckie, we’re here to help structure your insurance program to suit.
The right cover for you
Tailored insurance programs to suit your business risks, whatever your business, wherever you operate.
Support from an expert
Highly trained insurance professionals to help you identify risks, manage your insurance program and support you with claims.
Friendly, local service
With 16 offices across Queensland and a national reach, you have access to support when you need it.


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